Who we are

Our website address is: nethravaranameyespecialist.com. See nethravaranameyespecialist.com/about for more details


When you leave a comment in nethravaranameyespecialist.com, we collect the user information shown within the comment form, and also the IP address and browser user agent string to see spam for your protection.

We publish your picture in the site with your comment, only after the approval from the site administrator.


If you are uploading any image or photo to the website, please make sure you are not using images with embedded location data. Other people can download the location data from such images.

If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website.


We will store your personal details such as name, email and address in our cookies for your convenience. So that you don’t need to fill these details again when you leave a comment or checkout a product. This cookie will last a few months to 1 year.

Also when you login to the site, we will keep your login details to cookie, so you don’t need to enter these details again when you logged into the site

Who we share your data with

We will not share your personal details for other purposes like marketing etc. We are keeping your data only for the easiness of login, checkout process etc.

How long we retain your data

The personal details you entered with with comments will retain indefinitely in our database. Then only we can recognize and approve the follow-up comments.

The personal details of registered users will store in their user profile. The users can edit or delete their details at anytime.

The administrator can also add, edit or delete users upon their request or if there any malicious activities found.